Jan. 27

Girls in Computer Science

My best friend is a girl and she graduated in Computer Science at UBC. I think that’s true that there are not a lot of girls in that program, but the same/worse can be said about males studying in traditionally female dominated programs such as teaching and nursing. In both there is about a 10% male ratio. Until we change societal views and start valuing all professions for what they are instead of stereotyping based on cultural standards on gender, can we really learn to appreciate all the professions equally. It is my hope that more professions can incorporate many different types of skills, combining technology with teaching or dance with STEM, etc. instead of maintaining separate skill sets in each profession. #EDEA332


The article makes a valid observation that careers in math, science and technology are predominantly occupied by males. I however do not believe that encouraging girls to play video games is the answer to this predicament. I am not against video games but, at the same time, I do not encourage them. Video games can be addictive and, in my opinion, not merely as beneficial as other extra curricular activities (e.g.sports, arts and more). If I wanted to encourage a girl to be more computer savy, I would encourage her to post blogs and express her creativity using technology. I would not encourage a girl to play a game that someone else created.

Sarah Turgel




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