Jan. 20

Sarah Turgel


In his talk, Sir Ken Robinson powerfully demonstrates how teachers often stifle the innate creativity and imagination that children have. Teachers often forgo the arts to focus on what they think is the hierarchy of knowledge (e.g. math, literacy, science etc.). We also hinder the students’ creativity by making them fearful of failure and thereby fearful of taking risks and of thinking outside of the box. Indeed, creativity and “imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, Imagination encircles the world.” Albert Einstein.

Ariella Lightman

Sir Ken Robinson pointed out a student is not necessarily suffering from ADHD just because they are unable to stay still in class, such a student can be a kinestetic learner, a dancer, a very successful and intelligent person! Let’s not let education limit us but rather free us.

Another point that struck me, let’s not be afraid to make mistakes! Encourage our students to try, experiment, innovate! #ReadEDEA

Tina Lin

Sir Ken Robinson speaks about how the education system stifles creativity in students. I think it’s important to let children experiment and find out what they are passionate about because with passion comes the hunger for learning. Then learning doesn’t become a chore, but fun. I once heard that stress is working hard for something you don’t like and passion is working hard for something you love.


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